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Мои статьи:


  • CPTSD as a syndrome in personality disorders? Slides for the keynote (Russian PDF)
  • «Three dimensions of communication for a helping specialist». Online literary magazine «Quatrefoil», 4, 2023.
  • Hoffmann-Lamplmair, D., Kapusta, N. D., Laczkovics, C., Casini, E., Bazan, M., Gonzalez Torres, M. A., Lendvay, J., Normandin, L., Nowacki, H., Snigur, V., Doering, S., Yeomans, F., Clarkin, J., Preti, E. & Blüml, V. (2024). Die Bedeutsamkeit der nonverbalen Kommunikation bei der Online-Psychotherapie von Persönlichkeitsstörungen: eine qualitative Analyse. Persönlichkeitsstörungen 28(2), 180–196. DOI 10.21706/ptt-28-2-180
  • С. Laczkovics, V. Blüml, N. D. Kapusta, E. Preti, J. Clarkin, F. Yeomans, S. Doering, V. Snigur, H. Nowacki, L. Normandin, J. Lendvay, M. A. Torres, M. Bazan, E. Casini, D. Lamplmair. Videoconferencing psychotherapy from a psychodynamic point of view. A qualitative analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2023, 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1235478
  • Preti, E., Casini, E., Bazan, M., Blüml, V., Gonzalez Torres, M. A., Lendvay, J., Normandin, L., Nowacki, H., Snigur, V., Doering, S., Yeomans, F., & Clarkin, J. (2024, February 15). Transition to Online Transference-Focused Psychotherapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychoanalytic Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/pap0000501
  • Snigur Vladimir Sergeievich, MD. RETHINKING THE KEY CONCEPTS OF HYPNOSIS: A STEP TOWARDS A UNIFIED MODEL. (English versionPDF English version)

The books edited/translated by Dr. Snigur:

  • “Psychoanalytic diagnosis, Second edition: Understanding personality structure in the clinical process” by Nancy McWilliams (“Klass”, Moscow, 2015)
  • “Transference focused psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder: A Clinical Guide” by F.Yeomans, J.Clarkin O.Kernberg (“Psy Event”, Moscow 2018)
  • “The inseparable nature of love and aggression: Clinical and theoretical perspectives” by O.Kernberg (K.A.Gutman, Moscow, 2021)
  • “Practical psychotherapy” by M.Weiner (“NEWPSY”, Moscow 2021)
  • “Psychoanalytic diagnostic manual - 2nd edition” (sc.editing, translation of part 4; published by “Klass”, Moscow 2019)

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